Monday, June 24, 2024

Brian Pulido gets Lampooned in new Parody Comic Book


Here's how it all went down: Mike Wheeler launched a new book called 'Star Whores' with a character parody of Coffin Comics 'Lady Death', called 'LADY DARTH'. 

Brian got IP snippy and send a Cease & Desist to Mike. Mike got snippy right back and added a new villain to the book called EMPEROR PULIDOTINE. See what he did there?

This is now one of the all time, most intriguing, and hilarious, cases of Fair Use and Creative Freedom ever. To say absolutely nothing about the content of the title itself, the events surrounding this book are a case study in how these things work.

Fair Use IS the Law, and nothing is above the rights of Americans to Parody what they see fit.

You can find this title on Kickstarter now here: LINK

Posted by: Gavriel Discordia

DISCLAIMER: I am a casual acquaintance of both Mike and Brian, and wish them both the best in their comic book life adventures.

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