Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fandom Pulse's Resident Neo Nazi Jon Del Arroz Killed Ed Piskor


“His detail in story and artwork for myself and all of hip-hop served as an informative cornerstone of visual truth in areas other media couldn’t achieve,” -Chuck D, of Public Enemy

We wont rehash the entire saga of Ed Piskor's dilemma and demise, you can see any number of reputable stories online that take a merely topical approach to the Piskor saga.

What we will do is lay the blame for his demise on the door step of those responsible. Fandom Pulse.

'Those who would destroy us', is code for 'We are racist, sexist trash, wwe are scared of black skin and vaginas'. Note the all male line up in their header image.

Most specifically, Jon Del Arroz, the ComicsGate (Racist Sexist Losers) propagandist and all around asshat. A little boy who thinks he can make his dick bigger by shitting on women and POC in order to elevate his talentless, pathetic attempts at being a 'writer'. 

Here is a lineup of his random clueless, moronic, hateful, Transphobic, neonazi, headlines on the fake 'comics new blog' Fandom Pulse:

Jon Del Arroz hates gays and equates them with 'Groomers', which is Nazi Propaganda, flat out.

Here Jon Del Arroz pushes an Anti-Trans bullshit for the Incel Clickbait crowd.

Yes, somehow Blackness and being a lesbian is a way to 'Lower the Bar'. What 'Bar'? The White Male Superiority bar? GOOD!

And for a bonus, here he is calling any and all sexy comic books 'Degenerate Art'. Where did he get that term from I wonder? Oh, that's right, Hitler. Apparently Jon Del Arroz is a repressed loser who thinks his fake moral outrage against human sexuality entitles him to throw hate and lies at anyone he doesnt like.

So back to Ed Piskor, here is some screen shots from Jon Del Arroz's propaganda channel on youtube, which mirror stories he has posted to Fandom Pulse.

First he exposes Ed as a a 'Groomer' based on unconfirmed posts by some random person online who refused to speak with the press or press any actual charges.
Ed succumbs to the onslaught started by Jon Del Arroz, spread on Fandom Pulse and picked up by a contingency of well meaning liberals who for some reason didnt look into Fandom Pulse before spreading their ComicsGate/Nazi propaganda posts as if they were a legitimate news source. Sad but true. CHECK YOUR SOURCES PEOPLE!

Once he went missing after a statement by Jim Rugg online, Jon Del Arroz suddenly finds himself enamored by a 'Groomer' and brings his phony fake christian sentiments into the mix.

Finally Jon Del Arroz takes a complete 180 on his Cancel Culture attack on Ed, which drove him into exile and suicide in the first place, and trys to paint him as a martyr for his ComicsGate Hate Squad, racist sexist cause.

In effect Jon Del Arroz cancel killed Ed Piskor through the Fandom Pulse platform and then tried to celebrate him as a hero after the fact. That's some nerve. 

We were not alone in connecting the dots of this staged, false flag scandal. See LINK

In fact here is a huge roundup of his shit bird antics going back several years including trolling, harassment campaigns, including proclaiming that American Muslims should be “forcibly converted to Christianity,” and how “weed is for f*gs” etc. SEE LINK.

Jon Del Arroz is also a writer at The Federalist, a Radical Right Wing hate site. Here he is throwing up a white supremacist gang sign:

We have your number Jon Del Arroz. We see you. We never forget. and We don't forgive.

 GFYS Hater.


Posted by: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

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