Wednesday, June 26, 2024


1. WE ARE NOT BEGGING. We are not 'Crowdfunding'. We are 'Fundraising', or simply 'Running Preorder Events'. Kickstarter is not Go Fund Me. We are not Beggars. They just want to buy your comics. 

2. AGAIN, WE ARE NOT BEGGING. NEVER use the words 'Help' or 'Support'. Again we are not beggars, we are Creators. No one wants to 'Support' you or 'Help you. They just want to buy your Comics. 

 3. DEVELOP YOUR ENTIRE BOOK FIRST! Don't go to any Crowdfunding platform and tell people they need to finance your 'Future Book' or that you need them to pay for your Development etc. People are not out to be your Producer, they just want to buy your comic book. And they dont want to wait 2 years for it either. 

 4. KEEP YOUR GOAL LOW. Dont factor in your Costs of Development into your Goal. Again, no one wants to Produce your book, they just want to buy it. Why would you make your Clients dish out YOUR Development Costs? They just want to buy your comics. 

5. AGAIN, KEEP YOUR GOAL LOW. Most clients wont get in on a project until it crosses Goal. And if you dont cross Goal in the first day or 2, your project is a failure no matter how well you thought you did in the end. If it takes you until the final day to cross Goal, you lost 3-5 times as many backers who passed on it the at first glance and will likely never return. 

6. DONT OVERPRICE YOUR ADD-ONS. This is not NPR Pledge Week. Dont try to sell $75 tshirts. 

 7. DONT GIVE AWAY EXTRA ITEMS AS STRETCH GOALS. Yes we know 'everyone does that'. We also know everyone sells that unwanted stuff on eBay. Seriously this is a waste of your money. Try selling those extras as Add-Ons for a mere $1 and see for yourself how many people dont want any of it. If they wouldnt pay $1 to get something, why the heck would you make tons of that item to give away for free? 

8. INCENTIVIZE THE EXTRA ITEMS. You really want to give away that MiniPrint? Have your Clients earn it by Sharing your Project! The added exposure for your project will make those extra item costs worth it. Also tell your Clients to let you know they did this in the main Comments Section of your Project. This is a good look for anyone passing by, when they see how many Clients were eager to Share your project. 

9. WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE! Dont forget to add Wholesale Tiers so Comic Shops can get in on your book!

10. PAY IT FORWARD! Kickstarter is a Community. Back other projects before launching yours, so you dont look like a Taker leeching off a Community you have put zero assistance into. And do a PAY IT FORWARD Update when you start your project! PAY IT FORWARD is when you do a round up of other Indie Comics projects that are live at the same time as yours, and then send all those Creators the link to that update and encourage them to do the same. A Community is build on cooperation, and mutual growth. When we work together we can all gain exposure and fanbase together!

Written by: Gavriel Discordia, Discordia Publishing.

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