Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fandom Pulse's Resident Neo Nazi Jon Del Arroz Killed Ed Piskor


“His detail in story and artwork for myself and all of hip-hop served as an informative cornerstone of visual truth in areas other media couldn’t achieve,” -Chuck D, of Public Enemy

We wont rehash the entire saga of Ed Piskor's dilemma and demise, you can see any number of reputable stories online that take a merely topical approach to the Piskor saga.

What we will do is lay the blame for his demise on the door step of those responsible. Fandom Pulse.

'Those who would destroy us', is code for 'We are racist, sexist trash, wwe are scared of black skin and vaginas'. Note the all male line up in their header image.

Most specifically, Jon Del Arroz, the ComicsGate (Racist Sexist Losers) propagandist and all around asshat. A little boy who thinks he can make his dick bigger by shitting on women and POC in order to elevate his talentless, pathetic attempts at being a 'writer'. 

Here is a lineup of his random clueless, moronic, hateful, Transphobic, neonazi, headlines on the fake 'comics new blog' Fandom Pulse:

Jon Del Arroz hates gays and equates them with 'Groomers', which is Nazi Propaganda, flat out.

Here Jon Del Arroz pushes an Anti-Trans bullshit for the Incel Clickbait crowd.

Yes, somehow Blackness and being a lesbian is a way to 'Lower the Bar'. What 'Bar'? The White Male Superiority bar? GOOD!

And for a bonus, here he is calling any and all sexy comic books 'Degenerate Art'. Where did he get that term from I wonder? Oh, that's right, Hitler. Apparently Jon Del Arroz is a repressed loser who thinks his fake moral outrage against human sexuality entitles him to throw hate and lies at anyone he doesnt like.

So back to Ed Piskor, here is some screen shots from Jon Del Arroz's propaganda channel on youtube, which mirror stories he has posted to Fandom Pulse.

First he exposes Ed as a a 'Groomer' based on unconfirmed posts by some random person online who refused to speak with the press or press any actual charges.
Ed succumbs to the onslaught started by Jon Del Arroz, spread on Fandom Pulse and picked up by a contingency of well meaning liberals who for some reason didnt look into Fandom Pulse before spreading their ComicsGate/Nazi propaganda posts as if they were a legitimate news source. Sad but true. CHECK YOUR SOURCES PEOPLE!

Once he went missing after a statement by Jim Rugg online, Jon Del Arroz suddenly finds himself enamored by a 'Groomer' and brings his phony fake christian sentiments into the mix.

Finally Jon Del Arroz takes a complete 180 on his Cancel Culture attack on Ed, which drove him into exile and suicide in the first place, and trys to paint him as a martyr for his ComicsGate Hate Squad, racist sexist cause.

In effect Jon Del Arroz cancel killed Ed Piskor through the Fandom Pulse platform and then tried to celebrate him as a hero after the fact. That's some nerve. 

We were not alone in connecting the dots of this staged, false flag scandal. See LINK

In fact here is a huge roundup of his shit bird antics going back several years including trolling, harassment campaigns, including proclaiming that American Muslims should be “forcibly converted to Christianity,” and how “weed is for f*gs” etc. SEE LINK.

Jon Del Arroz is also a writer at The Federalist, a Radical Right Wing hate site. Here he is throwing up a white supremacist gang sign:

We have your number Jon Del Arroz. We see you. We never forget. and We don't forgive.

 GFYS Hater.


Posted by: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

Monday, July 22, 2024



Demi The Demoness - The Succubus Everyone Loves is getting her own Omnibus! Over 600 Pages of groundbreaking underground erotic art in a First Edition Hardcover Tome! OG Cover is available in  This book will be a Limited Run based on Preorders. Deluxe Edition, and NSFW Alt Cover Edition are also available. Wholesale Bundles available only during the duration of the preorder event, and will not be made available through Diamond, etc.


Posted By: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


1. WE ARE NOT BEGGING. We are not 'Crowdfunding'. We are 'Fundraising', or simply 'Running Preorder Events'. Kickstarter is not Go Fund Me. We are not Beggars. They just want to buy your comics. 

2. AGAIN, WE ARE NOT BEGGING. NEVER use the words 'Help' or 'Support'. Again we are not beggars, we are Creators. No one wants to 'Support' you or 'Help you. They just want to buy your Comics. 

 3. DEVELOP YOUR ENTIRE BOOK FIRST! Don't go to any Crowdfunding platform and tell people they need to finance your 'Future Book' or that you need them to pay for your Development etc. People are not out to be your Producer, they just want to buy your comic book. And they dont want to wait 2 years for it either. 

 4. KEEP YOUR GOAL LOW. Dont factor in your Costs of Development into your Goal. Again, no one wants to Produce your book, they just want to buy it. Why would you make your Clients dish out YOUR Development Costs? They just want to buy your comics. 

5. AGAIN, KEEP YOUR GOAL LOW. Most clients wont get in on a project until it crosses Goal. And if you dont cross Goal in the first day or 2, your project is a failure no matter how well you thought you did in the end. If it takes you until the final day to cross Goal, you lost 3-5 times as many backers who passed on it the at first glance and will likely never return. 

6. DONT OVERPRICE YOUR ADD-ONS. This is not NPR Pledge Week. Dont try to sell $75 tshirts. 

 7. DONT GIVE AWAY EXTRA ITEMS AS STRETCH GOALS. Yes we know 'everyone does that'. We also know everyone sells that unwanted stuff on eBay. Seriously this is a waste of your money. Try selling those extras as Add-Ons for a mere $1 and see for yourself how many people dont want any of it. If they wouldnt pay $1 to get something, why the heck would you make tons of that item to give away for free? 

8. INCENTIVIZE THE EXTRA ITEMS. You really want to give away that MiniPrint? Have your Clients earn it by Sharing your Project! The added exposure for your project will make those extra item costs worth it. Also tell your Clients to let you know they did this in the main Comments Section of your Project. This is a good look for anyone passing by, when they see how many Clients were eager to Share your project. 

9. WHOLESALE WHOLESALE WHOLESALE! Dont forget to add Wholesale Tiers so Comic Shops can get in on your book!

10. PAY IT FORWARD! Kickstarter is a Community. Back other projects before launching yours, so you dont look like a Taker leeching off a Community you have put zero assistance into. And do a PAY IT FORWARD Update when you start your project! PAY IT FORWARD is when you do a round up of other Indie Comics projects that are live at the same time as yours, and then send all those Creators the link to that update and encourage them to do the same. A Community is build on cooperation, and mutual growth. When we work together we can all gain exposure and fanbase together!

Written by: Gavriel Discordia, Discordia Publishing.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Brian Pulido gets Lampooned in new Parody Comic Book


Here's how it all went down: Mike Wheeler launched a new book called 'Star Whores' with a character parody of Coffin Comics 'Lady Death', called 'LADY DARTH'. 

Brian got IP snippy and send a Cease & Desist to Mike. Mike got snippy right back and added a new villain to the book called EMPEROR PULIDOTINE. See what he did there?

This is now one of the all time, most intriguing, and hilarious, cases of Fair Use and Creative Freedom ever. To say absolutely nothing about the content of the title itself, the events surrounding this book are a case study in how these things work.

Fair Use IS the Law, and nothing is above the rights of Americans to Parody what they see fit.

You can find this title on Kickstarter now here: LINK

Posted by: Gavriel Discordia

DISCLAIMER: I am a casual acquaintance of both Mike and Brian, and wish them both the best in their comic book life adventures.

Saturday, June 22, 2024



SCP Foundation - WHEN DAY BREAKS - The Comic Book!

SCP-001 'When Day Breaks' - Written by S.D.Locke - Illustrated by Coyocoya. A Creative Commons project from Discordia Publishing.


Friday, May 03, 2024

Cherry's Jubilee Collection - NSFW COVER EDITION


Cherry gets naughty with the help of some friends. MastaJWood and Jerry Carr drop hot new Cherry 'Poptart' art for rare, exclusive Alt Covers sure to get stolen by your room mate.

Jump in, hell, cash in! These are going for a steal and will make a great flip.


Posted by: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

Friday, April 19, 2024

Cherry's Jubilee Colelction - NSFW Beach Cover


This is a Special Drop, for special reasons. 

Larry's car broke down for good this time, and their landlord of over 12 years is selling the house they are in. While underground comics may seem like a glamorous, jet-setting, martini sipping lifestyle, the fact is it isn't. 

But instead of taking up a collection plate to help the Welz with their relocation funds, Discordia Publishing will instead be footing the bill for the NSFW Alt Cover you see here, and letting the Welz sell every copy, and keep every penny, over on the ongoing, Cherry Omnibus Extended Preorder, on IndieGoGo!

This book will be limited to only 100 copies worldwide, never to be seen again!


Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Cherry's Jubilee Collection - Global Retail and Wholesale Now Open


The Cherry's Jubilee Collection by Larry Welz has been fully funded on Kickstarter with over 700 copies Sold! 

The Preorder Event Continues at Discordia Comic Shop with Wholesale and Retail open to the World! 

Preorder will continue until the books go to press, then all Wholesale will end. No further Wholesale will be available after this Limited Run of books is locked. Not from Diamond/Previews, not from Disburst.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Ed Piskor's Final Words - 1982-2024


I’m so sorry for being so stupid. I definitely should never have talked with Molly D. The language and optics look real dumb at best but I promise my innocence. Especially out of context it looks terrible. It was the height of Covid with no end in sight and I was alone through most of it . I was just happy to have the internet to talk to people with common interests. The way that I noticed her was when she would like a bunch of my picture at once. I wasn’t trolling Instagram randomly but I definitely shouldn’t have chatted with her when I found out how young she was. Seeing someone younger representing r crumb and GG Allin gave me hope for the next generations and made me curious. Curiosity killed the cartoonist. There was no way I’d have a 17 yr old stay at my place. Maybe not 18 even. I was forward projecting to some unknown future where Covid lockdowns were finished and we could see people again. And it wasn’t even with sex in mind but simply saying that there’s a bed here to crash like the kindness that was given to me a bunch of times when I was starting out. “Zine fair in town? Come crash”. Ask Liana Finck or anyone else who’s come to visit. It doesn’t mean sex. When I asked if she could keep a secret it was because I was sharing some red room pages before announcing the book and was just trying to sound cool. Tone is missing. When I said “naughty girl” it was sarcastic after she told me some simple crime or infraction she committed. The whole pile of my dms she collected to show is just awful to look at. I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to offer professional favors to anybody or use my “position” (what a joke) to get into anyone’s pants. We’re all in the art game so why not introduce new friends to old friends? When I was bringing up any professional stuff to anybody it was just common ground conversation.

 Then seeing these dms even further out of context on other news outlets and media sites. Matt P at the Pgh city paper, you know what you did to skew your narrative. Fuck you. But they surely gave themselves their own plausible deniability by asking me for comments right as I’m trying not to jump off a bridge or something.

 Molly Wright is a conundrum to me and her actions border criminal. He said/ she said never looks good but none of what she said happened and I can’t believe she’d be so malicious and pile on like this. Now that I’m officially checked out I think my family has a civil lawsuit and she should be held accountable. She pushed this over the edge into “multiple women” territory. It’s so corny. I absolutely never asked for a blowjob in trade for anything ever. She successfully made me look stupid and everybody accepted her word as fact. Citizens of the internet are playing such dangerous games with people’s lives. I never had anyone lined up for an open relationship with her. I never was interested in a relationship with her. We had sex twice and she initiated both times. The first time was a surprise. When we were done watching a movie or just hanging out (I don’t exactly remember the circumstances 4 years ago) she jumped on me and started kissing me, telling me how comfy I made her feel. We quit hanging out during Covid lockdown but kept in touch here and there and I thought things ended naturally. Thankfully her post including the piece about me dissing Jim Rugg , super emotional “fuck Ed Piskor” type language, and the Red Room sales stuff portray she’s a petty woman scorned. Punitive and false. My house was burning and she threw gasoline on it. There needs to be recourse for my loved ones. I’m dead. I don’t have a reason to lie. Hold Molly Wright accountable, please. Reputation destruction is her form of aggression and there were very real consequences. My lawyer is Harris Miller. Is it possible to subpoena all texts and dms I had with her?

 Big titty Taff? Yeah, I would draw you naked all day and never apologize for wanting to. I like drawing tits and tattoos when I’m not drawing comics.

 I’m a solitary guy and I’ve put every ounce of my time and life into my work for around the past 20 years. I never felt satisfied with my skill so I constantly worked really hard and tied it all to my identity and self worth. Every waking moment was spent working and ideally I thought it would be best to have all friends who share the same passion. It’s why I offered to introduce them to my friends. It’s like my cherished Japan trips introducing Koenji Shawn to Bryan Moss and Moss to Skeme and Skeme to Danika. I was the only person who knew everybody on the trip and by the end of it, we were all friends.

 Social media was how I met people. My greatest relationship began at the end of Covid thanks to meeting on Instagram. A rocky but amazing 3 year relationship with someone who taught me true love. That said, I’m so glad we broke things off when we did so that she doesn’t get any slack. She’s way better off. Hope you’re well, Clam. I never stopped loving you. This all happened before I knew you.

 Now it’s all gone. Art show evaporated. Was about to sign a $75k deal for Switchblade Shorties with Abrams, Cartoonist Kayfabe ends with Jimmy’s “shocking revelations” statement (those words hurt). I have no friends in this life any longer. I’m a disappointment to everybody who liked me. I’m a pariah. News organizations at my door and hassling my elderly parents. It’s too much. Putting our addresses on tv and the internet. How could I ever go back to my small town where everyone knows me?

 Some good people reached out and tried to help me through this whole thing but I’m just not strong enough. The instinctual part of my brain knows that I’m no longer part of the tribe. I’m exiled and banished. I’m giving into my instincts and fighting them at the same time. Self preservation has lost out. From the sound in everybodies voice I think we all knew this was the conclusion. Jim Rugg came to my house unsolicited and gave me a hug and told me he loves me. If you know Jimmy, you know how huge that is!

 I’m sorry to my family for making such a mess (no pun intended) and for creating this hassle. I wasn’t trying to be a creep. I’m also sorry to everyone who got this note and the baggage that may or may not come with it depending on how well we knew each other.

 I knew I wasn’t going to be able to survive this. Comics is beyond a profession to me. It’s everything. That might sounds sad and pathetic to some, but this culture and medium gave me the greatest joy in life.

 No public statements would do. Nobody against me would be convinced. Maybe this drastic move will convince a few? Maybe it will get a couple more people to consider not joining online lynch mobs over gossip? Doubt it will have much of a blip. I’m not doing this out of guilt though, once again, it was super dumb chatting with Molly D. My intentions were never nefarious with her or anybody. Im doing it out of intense shame. We’re not built to have hundreds (maybe a few thousand?) people judging and/or harassing us at once. A private and solitary mind can’t take it.

 There were so many out there waiting in the wings for something like this to emerge. Daryl Ayo Braithwait called it a kill shot. You all got your wish. You were waiting for something to blow out of proportion and it got served to you on a silver platter. Ramon Villalobos, Cam Del Rosario, JB Roe, Molly Wright, congratulations. You got your pound of flesh. Evan Dorkin, I hope skeletons from your closet get revealed someday. Alex DeCampi, may you continue to have zero success no matter how hard you continuously leverage other people’s business from your bully pulpit.

 The very next morning after Molly D posted the screencaps I put my last will in testament together. Great service in a pinch. These are the papers I was trying to hide from you, Jimmy, when you came by with soup. I actually found a nice lady and witnesses who notarized it and made it official on a Sunday morning. How’s that for efficiency? It’s sitting on my brown desk in the corner.

 Mom, Dad, Bob, JP, and Bri, I’m sorry. Mom, dad, get this will of mine straight and move into a nice home that doesn’t have many stairs. Leave whatever you don’t use the rest of your lives to my siblings. Daddy hit me up this morning and wanted me to come home but it’s just too far gone. It was great hearing your voice today also, mama.

 The shame will never go away. Please make good use of what I’ve built up and take comfort for the rest of your years. This will give my life and this tragedy of events some positive meaning.

 These are the files for Switchblade Shorties. Please download it and maybe a book deal can be made for my heirs. Bob Mecoy was my agent and we were supposed to sign a $75k contract with Abrams. Maybe in death, after I explain myself, it will be something they won’t balk at. Then again, the culture is sick enough that maybe a bidding war among publishers will push the price up even higher. Bob, can you try to get my folks a sweet deal? My family can use the money. Please download these files asap while my Google drive exists but they are also on the portable hard drive in my backpack that I had with me during my final act. Don’t let the cops keep it forever. I brought my data with me so that it would be easy to find.


 There’s a black hardcover sketchbook full of autobiographical comics on my brown desk, standing up, in the hutch next to drawing tablets, that I intended to see print when I passed away. I didn’t put anything in my will where that’s concerned but hopefully it can find a publisher and get released. It was what we were gonna do with Fantagraphics under the title “Mudfish”. I didn’t sign any paperwork on that with Fanta so Bob, maybe you can help my parents there too?

 I realize that I didn’t make any notes in the will about my authored books and intellectual properties. Jim Rugg, can you maybe help make sure my people don’t get jacked by the publishers? I haven’t gotten my HHFT omnibus royalties so my family should be getting a good check soon. Can someone make sure to hold Fantagraphics accountable with my royalties and perhaps an audit of their accounting books is in order also, to see if I got all that was coming to me. Eric Reynolds gave me no benefits of doubt and I don’t know if fanta’d be tricky about my stuff in death. His suspicions of me make me suspicious of them. That’s the thing that sucks about going through this. You don’t know who your friends are.

 Jimmy, can you also post our unlisted videos and make our private streams to Patreon live to the public. That’s the perception I wanna leave. A dude having fun talking comics with his brother. Please keep cartoonist Kayfabe up and monetized and share half the loot with my family each year. Maybe schedule the vids each day as we did for years until our roster is complete. Don’t dissolve the llc but split the take with my heirs.

 Oh yeah, and I was avoiding the internet as much as possible, mostly relying on some friends who relayed me info here and there. I was not making/using burner sock puppet accounts to try to defend or attack. Hopefully those accounts will still tweet a bit so that you guys believe that, at least. Maybe someone can dig up ip addresses to confirm.

What a week. I wouldn’t wish this shit on my worst enemy. Leave it to me to get into trouble without ever leaving the house. I don’t have email addresses for any of my family. Please get this message to them. My phone is fully charged and it’s on so I’m sure it can be pinged and tracked by first responders. I have a battery pack case so the phone should be on for a few hours at the very least. My phone number: 412-915-4501, license plate: JFA8859

Im wearing a black hoodie. Maybe a black peacoat, black dickies, terrex continental boots.

 Hey mom and dad. Liz’s rent is $675 and she just paid up through April. Let her move her man in with her if they take that step. Keep the house. It’s not too shabby and will bring in a trickle of income each month.

 Anastasia James, please hook my parents up with that artwork from the show. I didn’t watch the news reports but I guess you can get their address right off the video. These represent some of my best pieces for hip hop family tree and if I salvaged my name at all they will be worth good loot on the market. Don’t sell the cover to volume 1 for anything less than $25,000

 Once again, I’m guilty of being stupid. No doubt. But, that’s all. I never thought in a million years that I’d take this step but I also never in a million years thought that something so Orwellian would ever happen to me. Ya never know in this life.

 I was murdered by Internet bullies. Massive amounts of them. Some of you out there absolutely contributed to my death as you were entertaining yourself with gossip. I wasn’t AI. I was a real human being. You chipped little bits of my self esteem away all week until I was vaporized. Maybe I’ll be able to haunt you dorks as a ghost. I come from Gypsy heritage and I’m definitely cursing a lot of you.

 This is the calmest I’ve felt all week. It’s over for me. I’m sorry for the hurt it’ll cause my family and closest buds. I hope it makes people think twice when joining an internet feeding frenzy. There you have it. Control freak ‘til the last. Peace out.

 Ps. There’s $852 in my wallet,

cash, in case the Jake’s get sticky fingers and steal my shit

Eddie P


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Cherry's Jubilee Collection Preorder - Final 24 Hours


The First Edition Cherry's Jubilee Collection Trade Paperback. Collecting all 4 Single Issues into one volume for the first time ever! With Exclusive New Cover Art by Underground Comics Legend Larry Welz himself. Including a new Foreword by Jason Atomic UK (Satanic Mojo Comix). And ALL NEW Back Cover by Gary Yap (the Simpsons, King of the Hill). 140 Pages of Total Carnal Mayhem!

Writers and Artist included in the original issues: Mark Bode (TMNT, Miami Mice), Molly Kiely (Diary of a Dominatrix, Saucy Little Tart), Marv Wolfman (Blade, Teen Titans), Greg Espinoza (Shiruken, Zetraman), R.C. Harvey (The Art of the Comic Book), Leslie Sternbergh (Big Book Of Thugs, Mad Magazine), S.E. Mills (Aspiring Cartoonist, Roger Fnord), Kate Worley (Omaha the Cat Dancer),  Steven Crompton (Demi the Demoness, Jenna Jameson Collection), John J. Wozniak (Areba Koala), Chuck Austen (Miracleman,Samurai Penguin), Geoffrey C. Everts (Mobius), Dan Fogel, Ross Ptasynski, Zoot Vlezenbeek, Duke Roosevelt, Justine Blanco (A-Bomb), Chris Tirri, Richard 'Grass' Green, Forg, Dave Warren, Jim Pitts, Lee Terry, Lew Reid, & Larry Todd (Dr Atomic).


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Cherry's Jubilee is BACK IN PRINT!


Cherry's Jubilee Collection by Underground Legend Larry Welz

The First Edition Trade Paperback Collection of Cherry's Jubilee #1-4 1992-1994. From Larry Welz & a cast of Guest Artists/Writers.

Goes Live at 4:20 Larry Time (AZ)


Posted by Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

SCP Foundation DAYBREAK Anthology Graphic Novel


SCP Foundation DAYBREAK Anthology Graphic Novel. After 2 years of development by a cabal of international Artists, Discordia Publishing is back at it bringing the SCP Fanbase what they want. This Limited Run Hardcover First Edition will be exclusively offered via Kickstarter to the public for a 45 day window. What we sell is what we print! 

Project also includes copious Add-Ons including Patches, Rugs, Coins, & more Books!


Posted By: Site-23 Director Dr Gavriel Discordia


Monday, July 17, 2023

Cherry Poptart Bootleg Toys by The Super Sucklord

 These one of a kind, paint splattered, 'Bootleg Toys' by the originator The Super Sucklord are official drops in the Cherry 'Poptart' Omnibus preorder event. Buy the book, and find these One of a Kind art objects in the Add-Ons.


Posted by: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Monday, May 29, 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023


Celebrating 40 Years of Cherry by Underground Comics Legend Larry Welz! 

The Complete original run of all 22 comics in a 616 page Limited Run Hardcover Book. 

From Discordia Publishing.


Posted By: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Help Brian Ewing Kick Cancers Ass


Dear friends,


I am reaching out to you today with a heavy heart to share the news that our dear friend and beloved artist, Brian Ewing, has been diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. Brian has been hospitalized since early March and is fighting for his life. He has brought so much joy and inspiration through his art, and now he needs our support.

Brian is facing an ever-increasing amount of expenses that add to the physical and emotional burden of his diagnosis. The treatments, medications, and doctor visits are just some of the many costs that he will have to bear.

I have set up this GoFundMe page to help with Brian’s expenses while he battles cancer. All contributions will go directly to covering the costs of the many treatments and services he’ll need to beat cancer. Your donations will allow him to focus on his health and well-being without having to worry about the financial impact of his diagnosis.

In addition to donating, I encourage you to support Brian by purchasing directly from his website, Every purchase helps support Brian during this challenging time, while also allowing you to own a piece of his art. Several of Brian’s friends will be packing and shipping orders to keep things moving, but please be patient if there are any delays.

I also need your help in spreading the word about Brian's situation. Please share this link with your friends and family on social media, email, or any other platform that you think would help us reach more people. Every share could mean a potential donation or purchase that could make a real difference for Brian.

Brian's talent and passion have touched so many of our lives, and now it is our turn to show him our love and support. Let's rally together and show Brian that he is not alone in this fight.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for considering donating to Brian's cause. Every donation, every share, and every purchase will mean the world to Brian. Together, we can make a difference and help support our beloved friend through this challenging time.

With gratitude,

Andria Fuquen (Brian's fiancé)

UPDATE: RIP Brian Ewing. May the Force be with you.


Posted By: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia 

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Thursday, December 22, 2022

One Fourth of all Toy Sales are for Adults


From NBC News:

There are two things keeping the toy industry afloat right now: inflation and a consumer group known as "kidults."

These kids at heart are responsible for one-fourth of all toy sales annually, around $9 billion worth, and are the biggest driver of growth throughout the industry, according to data from the NPD Group.

Kidults, who tend to spend more on toys, have a great fondness for cartoons, superheroes and collectibles that remind them of their childhood. They buy merchandise such as action figures, Lego sets and dolls that might typically be considered "for kids." However, in recent years, toy makers have created product lines just for these consumers, realizing that demand is high for this generation of adults who still want to have fun.

Congratulations Designer Toy aficionados! You are not only keeping the toy industry afloat you are also driving innovation in the marketplace of mainstream toys. Much like McFarlane Toys altered the course of toys in the 90s, Designer Toy artists from the underground have made their way in to the halls of major licensed toy production companies. And are shaking things up, bringing their creative genius to the mainstream. Tracy Tubera, Sket One, Jessie Hernandez (of Unruly Industries) have already brought amazement to the floors of SDCC, Designer Con, NYCC, and more during 2022. What effect with their mad skills have on traditional toy production companies in the near future?

Whatever the shape of the future of Mainstream toys takes in the coming decades, you can be sure its going to be cool, with badasses at the helm, and will be worthy of being called Designer Toys. To all the collectors out there, hold onto all those self-produced, rare, early Designer Toys. When these Artists get super lit, that stuff will be very sought after.

To all the Designer Toy makers out there: Tune In. Make Drops. Take Over.

Post By: Cultural Ambassador Starr Mignon

Monday, December 19, 2022



Tracy Tubera is F*cking EPIC! And he has taken on the task of creating an Alt-Cover for the SCP-5000 Graphic Novel Trade Paperback! Seen here is the Work-In-Progress Line Art which will be Colored and Shaded by Tracy Tubera in Jan 2023.

Find this Alt-Cover in Rewards and Add-Ons, at Retail and Wholesale Prices! 


Posted By: Cultural Ambassador Gavriel Discordia